Invisible Love
I Can See Clearly Now (Johnny Nash)
Tippin’ at Corso’s (Jeff Pittson)
Offshore Breeze (Denny Zeitlin)
Please Don’t Kiss Me (Alan Roberts/Doris Fisher)
Byrdlike (Freddie Hubbard)
Miyako (Wayne Shorter
The Face of Love (D & T Robbins/N. Khan)
One For Naomi (Robb Fisher)
Just Like It Sounds (Jeff Pittson)
Invisible Love, a.k.a Beautiful Love (Victor Young)
Jeff Pittson: piano
Robb Fisher: bass
Brian Melvin: drums
Released 2000
Vineland Records
Produced by Jeff Pittson
Review by
Sounds of Timeless Jazz
INVISIBLE LOVE features drummer Brian Melvin and bassist Robb Fisher interpreting pianist Jeff Pittson’s unique arrangements of musical concepts bred by Johnny Nash, Danny Zeitlin, Freddie Hubbard, Wayner Shorter, and a few of Pittson’s own original works. This CD marks the return of one of the most original and distinctive voices on the San Francisco Bay Area jazz scene. The set opens with Nash’s “I Can See Clearly Now,” with Pittson playing a svelte melody surrounded by the sure-footed walking bass of Fisher and the sure strength of Melvin’s complimentary drumwork. “Byrdlike” is an uptempo version of Hubbard’s rarely recorded rhythmic jaunt with Pittson’s piano expertise replacing the trumpet line that Hubbard’s fans jazzed to in the 70s. The trio slows the pace on Wayne Shorter’s “Miyako,” a beautiful ballad that features Pittson in a pensive mood. This varied set is both intimate and played from an interesting vantage point that still remains out of reach for many jazz trios today. The subtle cushions the solos spring from and the lovely ensemble voicings make INVISIBLE LOVE a worthwhile addition to your jazz collection.